This week we celebrated Diversity Week which is one of our important Law School traditions. Dean of Students Michele Richardson provides us with this recap of all the fun:
"Each day during lunch one of our student organizations, in conjunction with our Chicago Law Partners alumni group, sponsored speakers who addressed a variety of topics from "International Law and the Rise of China" to the Supreme Court's recent decision regarding school desegregation. The speakers provided us all with a greater appreciation for the diverse range of views and interests that make this a wonderful place to study law.
We gave a new spin to a very different type of intellectual event and another one of our great Law School traditions, the Trivia Contest, with a students vs. administrators match. The students enjoyed a decisive victory over the senior administrators, Dean of Careers Services Abbie Willard, Dean of Admissions Ann Perry, Registrar Pontus Niklasson and yours truly.
The week concluded with yet another example of fun Law School traditions, Wine Mess, where students, faculty and staff were joined by some of our alumni representatives from the firms who so generously sponsored most of the events of this week ."