The latest in our series of improvements to the blog should now be visible in the sidebar to your right: The Faculty Podcast Widget (with thanks to the folks at FeedBurner and SpringWidgets). Now, you might be wondering, "What the heck is a widget?" Essentially, it's a little mini-mp3 player that will allow you to browse and play our many (over 40!) Faculty Podcasts quickly and easily on every page of the blog you're reading right now. Best of all, the widget is portable, which means you can grab it and embed it on your own blog, Facebook page, website, or even your desktop (check out those little buttons at the bottom of the widget). Enjoy!
Widget doesn't appear in Firefox.
Posted by: ks | October 09, 2007 at 10:39 AM
Sorry it's not showing up for you. What version of Firefox are you using? Do you have the Flash plugin?
Posted by: UChicagoLaw | October 09, 2007 at 10:44 AM
This is Don. I help head up
If you have issues at all with the widget or it's implementation or use, please stop by the site and send us a support email and we'll have someone help you out.
Fyi.. I'm in Firefox on the mac and do see the widget.
Posted by: don synstelien | October 09, 2007 at 09:30 PM